Wednesday, June 28, 2006

one week down...

1. read 3 books
2. inherited 2 perfect, comfy reading chairs
3. planned 5 nights of fun for my campers
4. went to the library too many times
5. talked on the phone to my twin for hours
6. went to a GREAT concert with a GREATER friend
7. bought 2 new cds
8. drank too many frappucinos and other frozen type drinks
9. cried at small group
10. loved church on sunday morning
11. had a great date with my husband
12. baked a cake
13. packed some boxes for someone else to move. [wow, that's a switch!]
14. slept a lot
15. got really good at my hip-hop dance workout...then had to return the dvd
16. watched a movie i've been wanting to see for months
17. did housework that i've been wanting to do for months
18. spent much-needed time with old, dear friends
19. helped a teen girl pick out books at the local library

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