Wednesday, June 27, 2007

It's a really good thing that I am leaving in a couple days for Erie...otherwise I am afraid I would spend too much time sitting here perfecting my ability to waste a LOT of time! Granted, I did do the following today: worked out at the gym...random housekeeping...started packing/laundering things to pack...but yeah, that's about it for my entire day. Oops. Well at least I always claim to work well under tomorrow when I have to do about 73, 921 things to get ready for 2 1/2 weeks away, it should be no sweat. Except it is going to be in the 90s again, so there will definitely be some sweat. Ah well. A few days from now, I will be in my lovely little hometown enjoying my family and the 68 degree high! Break out the jeans and sweatshirts, my friends, we are going to pretend that it's autumn, and nothing could make me happier.

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