Friday, April 20, 2007

I'm crazy.

Somehow I came up with this crazy idea to exercise for the next 90 a row. Without missing any days. Yeah.

It's day 12 of 90. That's 13.33%. I spent 5 of those days working out at home [kickboxing, weight training, etc], and 7 of them at the gym [treadmill, bike, elliptical].

I must admit I am pretty proud of myself.

I don't really have a goal, like 'I want to lose xx lbs' or anything like that.

I just want to be...happy...and healthy.
And, I just bought a plane ticket to North/South Carolina for a 4 day weekend in it looks like it's going to be a VERY good spring.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

watch out - i started running last year because i was stressed/bored and wanted to feel better. now i've made some silly resolution to run in a 5k every month this year. exercise will suck you in :)