Saturday, July 29, 2006

august's promise of good memories.

i've found myself feeling a little down because summer is flying by and school starts in a month. BUT i plan to live life to the fullest until i begin teaching again. besides working out a lot, reading, and writing, here's what is going down:
- a visit to the in-laws for several days [which is actually a really good thing]
- we're going to get a new kitten!
- my parents are coming to philly for a couple days, for about 48 hours, which should be the perfect amount of time for us to enjoy each other's company without any annoyances. i hope.
- a day trip to NYC with my twin - gelato and crazy photos, here we come!
- hopefully, 3 weeks of small group out of the 4 left. sady i will miss one when at the aforementioned in-laws.
- lots of quality time with my husband
- praying for an amazing start to my hubby's new job on august 14.

You are good, all the time
All the time, You are good.
[here we go]

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